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Wow This Is Privacy!

Here's the deal. By law we are allowed to store information on your device that is required for the operation of this site, but we have to ask your permission for everything else. We don't want to know more about you than is absolutely necessary. Our goal is to rewild the internet by resisting its enshitification. Screw ads.

Necessary cookies make the website useable by enabling basic functions like the shopping cart. This website would be broken trash without them. They cannot be turned off.

Statistics cookies help us understand how users interact with our website. Information is reported anonymously, so enjoy your clicks with a robust peace of mind. Pretty please let us use these.

Marketing cookies track users across the internet. They make you a target for advertisements, and a lot of people have gotten monstrously rich by squeezing this delicious juice out of your life. These cannot be turned on because we would rather light our shoes on fire.

We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.